Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some Old Candids to Change up the Scenery :)

Hey everybody! I thought I would post some fun pics I had on my computer of the family for everyone to enjoy. The Birthday Monkey was gettin' a little old. So I spiced it up a bit :)
(I did some picture stealing off of some of your blogs to make sure everyone was represented! ) It took a little longer to do this than is now 5:21am and I am off to bed! Anyway- Love you all...and Goodnight/Goodmorning....Hope you like!


Shannon said...

How fun to look through those Nik! Thanks for doing that - I just can't believe you stayed up so late to do it!! My boys laughed at some of the pictures- so great!

Brady Fletcher Garrick said...

Carolyn did this, Shan!! She is the only one crazy enough to stay up that late. Great work, Babe!!

Shannon said...

Oh! Sorry Care! I don't know why I thought Nik did it especially when I was looking at some pics and wondering how Nikki got them :) Well thank YOU Care- they are great!