Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hi! I haven't posted anything on the Garrick blog before so here I go! Yesterday I was doing a project about "Dance Evolution" for chorus, because we are singing that song. If you have not heard of it, it's a bunch of parts of songs all together in one song! One of the songs is '
U can't touch this." And I saw the pants M.C. Hammer was wearing (really baggy) and I thought they looked weird. my mom said that she used to have a pair of pants like that in 1989, so she still had them downstairs. I told her to show me them and here's me in them. ( Look! There's even a matching vest!)

P.S. For more exciting news about me, check my blog and then my mom's blog.


Shannon said...

Those are sweet!

Brady Fletcher Garrick said...

Hahahaha!!! That is classic!!! Great years and not so great clothes...Just look at my Jr High pics to prove that. Z Cavarichie and Rayon shirts...fake glasses...oh help me!!!

Shannon said...

Nik she looks a lot like Holly in this picture! And have I seen you in that outfit cause it seems familiar?

Nikki said...

Yes, I believe there is a picture of me in that outfit on a dtae with Greg... and I believe Greg was wearing a rayon shirt and Z. Cavariccis in that picture too. :)
Ever since Jillie was a baby people have commented that JIllie looks so much like Holly. I wonder if she'd look more like me if I hadn't had the plastic surgery on my chin??

Shannon said...

Ok I remember the picture you are talking about. You had plastic surgery on your chin? I never knew that. I think she looks like you in person, but this picture reminds me so much of Holly.

Nikki said...

I think I told the story of my oral surgery/plastic surgery during one Yosemite trip... maybe you didn't hear that one.

Carolyn said...

Hey Brady will have to talk to Nikki about the chin surgery.....maybe he could get it done and stop wearing goetees (no clue how to spell that) to cover up his chin that he says he hates :)

Airmom said...

Hey Buddy...I love your have Dads chin....wear it proudly...silly boy. Nikki I remember the story...and how you had to suffer with you mouth wired shut....and you sure are beautful.About the Z Cavarichie' kids wouldn't even think of wearing anything else...and we had to shop and buy them to make them "fashionable"