Monday, May 5, 2008


I just spoke with mom and was told that Grandma had a heart attack last week and just got out of the hospital on Friday. Mom just called her as usual on Sunday and found this out cause NO ONE of mom's family bothered to call and let mom know! Unbelievable! Grandma is doing ok I guess but the Dr's want her to do a bypass surgery or at the very least a lot of stents in her arteries. You can call mom and get more details (but she is in Seattle today for work)


Nikki said...

Oh no! That's terrible... terrible that she had the heart attack and terrible that no one let your mom know! That's just not right. We'll keep Grandma in our prayers.

Nikki said...

Is she still on Ash Glen Circle? Is anyone staying with her?
Will she have any procedures soon?

Shannon said...

She is still on Ash Glen Circle and as far as what mom said, no one is even checking in on her. I don't know when the procedures would be.

Airmom said...

When I spoke with mom...she seemed confused...and no one had really talke with her Dr' see what really is going on. She didn't even know or understand how many bypasses she needs. The Dr. told her to think about what she wants done...and in the meantime he was going to speak to a Cardiac Surgeon and show the results of her angiogram...and then he would get back with her to tell her what should be done and see what she wants to be done.
My worry is she strong enough for such a huge procedure..and what quality of life will it afford her if she takes the plunge to have a bypass...I want to talk to the Dr. myself and get some answers. Of course I worried about her being left alone ...the bringing in meals and her home teachers are checking up on her and gave her a blessing...nothing from my family...good grief.
Anyway...I will keep you updated...and I am thinking I am going to make a trip to Cali during my vacation time.

Shannon said...

I'm coming with you mom!

Nikki said...

Ridiculous that family is not watching out for her. I wish she lived in Parker so it'd be easier for you to keep tabs on her Sheryl. (Not that you have much extra time yourself!) Thank goodness for good members of the Church who fulfill their callings as home and visiting teachers!