Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Shan!

Happy, Happy Birthday Shannon dear...

Hope your day is FABULOUS... and that you get to eat cake! :)

p.s. check my blog today.


Shannon said...

Thanks Nik - I'll eat that cake in the picture!

Carolyn said...

Yes, Happy Birthday Shan!!! I was planning to post a pic of you and wish you happy birthday....but I can't find any on my computer! Only the kids! Next time we get together I will know who I need to be photographing. Anyways- I am grateful to have you as my sis-in-law. You are such a caring, thoughtful and beautiful person and have been there for me so many times when I needed a listening and caring ear (and I'm sure everyone else in the family feels the same way). Thanks for caring so much about us all and for being and awesome sister. You are a great mother, sister, aunt & friend and I wish you all the happiness in the world as you celebrate your birthday. You deserve it. Happy Birthday!!!